Subject area Jewish Studies
Subject area
Born from the consequences of in-depth interdisciplinary research in Religious Studies, Jewish Studies focuses on the past and present of Sephardic Judaism as well as the tasks at hand and challenges that currently confront researchers of Jewish Studies.

Perspectives in Jewish Studies
Edited by Manja Herrmann, Benjamin Patrick Koch, Elke Morlok, Frederek Musall
The series highlights the diversity of aspects and methods of Jewish Studies and at the same time aims to initiate an intensive reflection on the future of the same. Not only the self-definition of the subject and the internal perspectives of the researchers are to be considered, but also the perspectives from Judaism itself. The multi-layered and multi-perspective discourses of Jewish Studies with cultural studies, history and literature, theologies, sociology, and many other subjects should also be re-located from the internal view of Jewish materials themselves. How did Jewish studies become part of trans- and interdisciplinary discourses? What is their current task – from an emic and etic perspective? What new research priorities need to come into focus from the perspective of Jewish students and communities? How can a meaningful shaping of interreligious discourses look like from the perspective of Judaism? Above all, forward-looking perspectives for the discipline and its numerous networks are to be developed to adequately meet current challenges both in academia and in society.
The series includes monographs, anthologies, and outstanding dissertations and habilitation theses.
Sephardic Societies and Cultures
Edited by Dr. Jonathan Hirsch, Prof. Dr. Sina Rauschenbach, Prof. Dr. Carsten Schapkow
‘Sephardic Societies and Cultures’ is the only academic book series in Germany with an explicit Sephardic focus. It contributes to research on Iberian Jewish communities, its Western and Eastern Sephardic Diasporas, as well as Jewish and non-Jewish perspectives on and interactions with Sephardic Jews from the Middle Ages to the present. The series is aimed at researchers and students of Judaic Studies and Jewish Studies, Jewish, Christian and Islamic Theologies, Israel and Middle Eastern Studies, History, Philosophy, Literature and related subjects.