Subject area Pedagogy
Subject area
The Ergon Portfolio Pedagogy covers a large number of the sub-disciplines and research directions represented in the department, including general pedagogy, school pedagogy, media pedagogy, religious education and intercultural pedagogy. The series of publications have a wide-ranging reputation in the specialist community. In the area of sociological research, on the other hand, the focus is on the sociology of the family, including a wide range of interdisciplinary connections.

Bibliotheca Academica – Pedagogy
Published by Ergon Verlag
The Bibliotheca Academica – Pedagogy series publishes selected monographs and edited volumes from several subfields of pedagogy.
Bibliotheca Academica – Sociology
Published by Ergon Verlag
The series Bibliotheca Academica – Sociology publishes selected monographs and edited volumes from several subfields of sociology.
Childhood, Family, Pedagogy
Edited by Steffen Großkopf, Ulf Sauerbrey and Michael Winkler.
In the series Childhood, Family, Pedagogy the various developmental phases of the human individual are presented in historical studies and qualitative investigations.
Education, School, Society
Edited by Winfried Böhm, Wilhelm Brinkmann, Johanna Hopfner, Jürgen Oelkers, Roland Reichenbach, Sabine Seichter and Michael Winkler.
In addition to examining the teachings of formative educators and scholars, the Erziehung, Schule, Gesellschaft series publishes empirical, qualitative, and historical studies in the context of pedagogy. By including sociological and application-oriented topics, additional interdisciplinary approaches are pursued.
Family and Society
Edited by Michael Feldhaus, Ute Koglin, Cornelia Koppetsch, Rosemarie Nave-Herz, Norbert Schneider, Sebastian Schnettler, Pia Schober and Heike Trappe.
The book series Family and Society publishes current topics in the field of family sciences. Family sciences form an interdisciplinary field of research and include individual disciplines such as family sociology, family demography, family psychology, pedagogy, gender studies, political science, law, or health science. Essential is the reference to family and its embedding as well as problematization in social contexts. Emphasis is placed on empirical studies, both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Outstanding dissertations, habilitation theses as well as monographs and edited volumes are published in the series.
Grenzüberschreitungen | Border Crossings – Contributions to the Scientific Investigation of Extraordinary Experiences and Phenomena
Edited by Eberhard Bauer, on behalf of the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Psychohygiene e. V. Freiburg
Parapsychological phenomena, extrasensory experiences and other unusual experiences form the object of investigation of the series Grenzüberschreitungen. The scientific examination of these topics offers new insights into human psychology.
Pedagogy and Ethics
Edited by Eva Matthes and Werner Wiater, Manuela Pietraß and Henning Schluß
Pedagogical practice is always normative goal-oriented. Pedagogical science is therefore concerned with a historical-systematic investigation of the goals of upbringing, education, teaching, but also with a scientific-judgmental preoccupation with the selection of contents and attitudes that should be conveyed in history and in the present. In addition to a scientific reflection of pedagogical methods, an evaluative perspective on the use of media in pedagogical processes must also be directed. Thus, pedagogical science has an indispensable orientation function for pedagogical action.
This book series is committed to this connection between pedagogy and ethics. The spectrum ranges from works on Holocaust education to intercultural and sustainability pedagogy to fundamental pedagogical-ethical questions. Relevant monographs, edited volumes, dissertations, and habilitation theses in German and English may be submitted for consideration for inclusion in the series.
System und Geschichte – Studien zur Bildungsforschung
Edited by Peter Drewek, Carola Groppe, Jürgen Oelkers, Fritz Osterwalder und Bernd Zymek
You can find individual titles on the subject of pedagogy in the Online Shop.
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